Business Categories starting with b in Dallas
Badges 3
Bagels 25
Bail Bonds 56
Bakery 158
Balloons 11
Ballroom 8
Bands 26
Banks 720
Baptist Church 390
Barber 322
Bars 392
Bars and Grills 145
Baskets 7
Baths 33
Beads 7
Bearings 18
Beauty Salon 789
Bedding 23
Beer and Ale 63
Belting 1
Beverages 33
Bible Church 10
Bibles 7
Bicycle Shop 24
Bingo Hall 11
Blasting 2
Blueprinting 18
Boilers 2
Book Store 97
Bookcase 1
Boot Store 23
Bottling 9
Bowling 4
Brake Repair 59
Bras 6
Brass 3
Brazing 2
Brew Pub 30
Bridal Shop 48
Broken Glass 18
Bronze 2
Buckles 1
Bus Lines 36